
Partnering with a diverse range of businesses, we guarantee that our leads and marketing campaigns will drive sales for you. Unlike other vendors, who may provide broken leads, incorrect addresses, or even outdated business information, our Home Owner and Business Leads are consistently up-to-date and reliable.

Who We Work With

A/C&Heating (HVAC) - Accounting - Asphalt - Paving - Attorneys - Auto Detailing - Auto Repair - Auto Sales - Carpet - Cleaning - Catering - Charity/Nonprofit - Chiropractic - Church - Cleaning & Janitorial - Construction - Dance & Gymnastics - Dental - Dry Cleaning - Education -  Electrician - Financial- Fitness- Flooring - Funeral Home - Furniture Grand Opening - Grooming - Gymnastics - Home Inspection - Home Remodeling - Insurance - Interior Design - Jewelry - Landscaping - Martial Arts- Massage Therapy - Med Spa  - Mortgage - Movers & Storage - Music Schools - Optometry - Orthodontic Practice - Painting - Contractor - Pest Control - Photographers - Physical Therapy - Plumbing - Political Campaign - Pools - Private Schools - Property Management - Real Estate Investment - Realtors - Restaurants - Roofing- Salon & Spa, Pretty much all business types.

Based on the analysis of the LeadKuma Team, a 30% effectiveness rate can be achieved through direct mail compared to 0.6 - 1% from digital channels. In fact, it has been observed that most direct mails are opened up to 90% of the time, but only 15% of emails.